Virtual Styling & Shopping
Receive expert personal or professional styling, no matter your location or schedule.
Some of my clients live hundreds of miles away, others have busy lives with little time for shopping and styling. What might have been a barrier to receive my expert advice in the past is no longer an issue with The Virtual Closet by Hue and Stripe! An easy-to-use, virtual closet, shopping and lookbook platform that's easy to access and makes working together seamless and fun. Click here to view an example of the Virtual Closet while you review the description below.
A Digital Inventory of Your Clothing & Style
The online closet is where you can upload photos of your clothing and accessories.
The finds area is where my specific shopping recommendations live. I can add the items that I feel best suit you, along with comments about why I picked each item and how it works back to your existing pieces. You can simply click the photo to purchase any item.
The online lookbook is where I can pull together photos of your existing items plus any new purchases to create fully-styled outfits.
You'll no longer feel the frustration that comes from pieces you don’t wear or don’t work with anything else you have. The end result is a closet filled with clothes that fit and flatter YOU, making getting dressed each morning, packing for a trip or getting ready for a special occasion, easier than ever!
Whether you opt for the virtual styling, virtual shopping or both, we will begin with a consultation meeting by phone or Zoom. This first step is important because allows me to get to know you and your style needs so that I can best assist you. For any existing clients: the style consultation will be replaced with a wardrobe strategy call to best optimize our time.
Virtual Styling
After our Zoom meeting, I'll ask you to upload photos of your clothing and accessories to your virtual closet. Using your existing pieces I will work my magic to put together 10-15 head-to-toe outfits and add them to your online lookbook with styling tips. You'll try on the outfits in your own time, take photos of each and make comments within your closet. If needed, we'll hop on a secondary call to review the outfits and make any necessary tweaks.
Virtual Shopping
After our Zoom meeting, I shop online for the key pieces (clothing and accessories) that are: missing from your wardrobe, need replacing and/or will freshen or add visual interest to what you already have. I'll upload the items to your finds section, along with comments on why they were selected and what they will go with. Once you make your selections and all ordered items arrive, we can schedule a Zoom call to review each item. The cost for the above services depends on your wardrobe and style needs, which is provided in a quote with payment plans available.
Click here to view an example of a Virtual Closet.

ClosettCandyy's virtual services were beyond my expectations. She was so well prepared with her style survey, her process and her vision for our online exchanges. Jesse answered all my needs and more. I needed to find confidence in my casual, everyday wardrobe. I wanted to find a way to maximize the pieces I already owned. She not only saved me time, money and energy, ClosettCandyy helped me find my confidence in my old wardrobe, changing body but especially in my style and taste. Her comments were always respectful, constructive and loving. She truly cared to see me comfortable, happy and confident in my own skin and in my own clothes. I go back to her online notes weekly as reminders and I feel like her tips are so universal and applicable with my whole wardrobe- Not only the pieces she styled.
I only regret not asking for her help right after having kids, it would of saved me many tears, hours of frustrations and lots of money. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Jesse!
— Marianne W, United Kingdom